Spain: PSOE Party critizes the message in favour of the prostitution of “SloMo”
José Manuel Pérez Tornero, Chairman of the RTVE Corporation, has explained that the Corporation “is reflecting with much atention” the comentaries about “SloMo”, the song of Chanel for Eurovision 2022, after the critics of PSOE. The socialist party claims that the “sugardadism”, reflected in the lyrics “it’s a kind of prostitution”.
The reponse was done by Mr Tornero when was asked by Lidia Guinart, Socialist member of the parliament, during the mixed commission (Parliament-Senate) that controls RTVE Corporation and its Companies, done this Thursday in the lower house.
The parliamentary has said that the election of the song to represent RTVE in Eurovision “have importance”. “It’s very worrying, from this group, the message that shows the chosen song”, adds.
“Showing the commercialization of the women body is not the best message to represent a public broadcaster that, as we stated more times, have not only the legal obligation but also ethic, to be the sample to follow in the way to the equality between women and men”, explains Mrs Guinart.
Also Mrs Guinart has noted that the “sugardadism”, as she thinks, “reffered in the lyrics of the chosen song is a kind of prostitution”. “The lyrics of many songs, specially some from the current music trending on rising, offer to the people, specially to the younger, messages in the oposite side of the fight against the violence over the women”.
“And the prostitution is it,exactly, a kind of violence against the women. A song that reffers any kind of violence it’s not, therefore, the best selection to participate in a festival as Eurovision”, critized the socialist parliamentary.
Then Mr Tornero has asevered that he read the lyrics of ‘SloMo’ “40.000 times” and has added that “there is a diference between ‘daddie’ and ‘sugardadi’ anyway”. “the interpretation that you do about the song, it’s it , a interpretation. There are other”, remaks the Chairman.
“I don’t want enter on that matter. I’m fully agree that RTVE must show a message of women protection, of equality and respect of her dignity always. Would have to do it, with all women not only with the winner”, adds Mr Tornero.
“We are reflecting all with much attention. Me, and some of my colleagues and fellows in the board too, we are reading all that appears about the matter.We are thinking about that”, explains
Mr Tornero has thanked “all contributions done in all sectors”, pointing that RTVE “will do all possible for that don’t affect the defence of equality”.
After the participation of the PSOE parliamentary the Chairman of RTVE has spoken about the selection mechanism: “We didn’t do well until now. We don’t know the results of the current song, but at least we have got bring together to a family audience during three days”.
Finally Mr Tornero has explained what RTVE has done to select the song that will represent Spain in the contest is “call a football league where it’s imposible to know who will win”. Also he has remembered that next day after the election of “SloMo” the Corporation announced that was willing to rethink “the disent between the jury voting and the public voting”.
“We are willing to do it. We are reflecting about that”, has ended the Chairman.
Source: EuropaPress